DIY Dryer Ball Spray

DIY Dryer Ball Spray post thumbnail image

Have you ever noticed that the transition to natural living is full of detours, u-turns, and dead stops? Change is always daunting, but this path to eliminating unnecessary, and sometimes even harmful, chemicals from our lives can seem like an impossible task.

Laundry has always been our breaking point. We’ve all read the studies about how bad dryer sheets are for our health, but we also adore soft, good smelling clothes, sheets, and towels.

I mean, really, is there anything better than warm jammies just from the dryer that smell of both sunshine and sleep at the same time?

When I first started really looking at our household cleaners and routines I came across a blog article that made the transition sound like an absolute breeze. I actually have a repost of the article on our website.

Fresh and Clean Laundry
Keep your family’s clothes looking and smelling their best with the added boost of essential oils. Add 12–15 drops of oil to your washer and eliminate musty scents. You can also ditch the dryer sheets! Instead, infuse wool dryer balls with 3–4 of your favorite essential oils such as Citrus Fresh™Peppermint, or Lavender. Reapply essential oils every 2–4 loads.

The article has some really good ideas in it. Unfortunately, the laundry portion was a wee bit misleading on the ease of implementation.

I sprinkled oils on my balls and tossed them in the dryer with expectations of soft, sleepy smelling sheets.

I got static-y, clingy, slightly rough, very softly scented sheets instead.

Figuring my nose was just used to being assaulted by perfume and would soon adjust, I pressed on with trying to figure out how to get rid of the static. Does it say anything about the level of static that it completely overshadowed the lack of softness?

Safety pins. This was the ultimate trick that the internet gave me. Just stick safety pins through the balls and that will eliminate the static. So that’s what we did.

For two years.

I’m actually a little ashamed that it took me two years to go any further than safety pins. Because, really, they only eliminated about half the static and did nothing for the softness.

But that is all done now. No, I haven’t gone back to dryer sheets. I just upped my ball game.

Soft, scented, and no longer static-y.

Want to know how? I’m embarrassed at how easy this is.

Dryer Ball Spray

Gather together your ingredients:

1. Add vinegar to your spray bottle.

2. For every cup of vinegar add 20-30 drops of essential oil.

3. Spray balls liberally before tossing in the dryer.

But wait! What essential oils should you use? The sky is actually the limit, my friend. One of the nice things about DIY is that you get to decide your own scents and aren’t limited by what is available on the store shelf.

Need some inspiration?

Lavender, Lime, and a touch of Spearmint

Lemon and Lavender

Orange, Bergamot, and Lemon

Looking for high quality oils or guidance on beginning your natural living journey? Head over to Witchy Gypsy Oils for all of your essential oil needs or to contact me about developing and implementing a custom wellness plan.

This article contains affiliate links to both Amazon and Witchy Gypsy Oils. By clicking on the links and making a purchase, my family receives a small commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you in advance for helping to support our family.

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