Digging Deeper: Oregano

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Oregano oil

(Origanum vulgare)

Oregano gets its name from the Greek words oros and ganos, which combined mean “joy of the mountains.”

It’s no surprise that oregano has a Greek name, as it’s believed to have origins in Greece and in the mountains of the Mediterranean. This hardy, bushy plant can grow to around 30 inches tall, and it sprouts purple flowers. Oregano is part of the mint family, and its essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves. Varieties of oregano can be found all over the world.

History and Folklore

The name Oregano comes from the Greek meaning “joy of the mountains”. It grows wild on the hillsides of Greece and shepherds used to encourage their sheep to eat it, so as to improve the flavor of the meat.

It has been grown in the Mediterranean for centuries and became popular in the US after WWII.

Ancient Greeks believed that oregano was a useful poison antidote and used it in poultices to treat skin irritations and infections. If oregano grew on a grave, it was an indication that the departed was happy in the afterlife. Couples were crowned with wreaths of oregano at weddings in both ancient Greece and Rome to ensure their future joy.

Traditional Chinese healers have also used oregano for generations to treat a variety of complaints.

In Shakespearean times, oregano was used for just about anything. Ladies carried it in their tussie mussies to mask unpleasant odors. It was also used in a potion to enable them to see their future husband on St. Luke’s day.

It has been used for centuries in many places in love potions.

Growing oregano near your home is supposed to protect it from evil forces. It has also been carried as a charm for the same purpose.

Ritual Use

  • Oregano is ruled by Venus and the element of air and associated with Aphrodite.
  • It is used in spells for happiness, tranquility, luck, health, protection and letting go of a loved one. It can also be used in spells to deepen existing love.
  • When worn on the head during sleep, it is said to promote psychic dreams.
  • Oregano symbolizes joy. Use it for rituals celebrating joyful occasions, or in spells to bring joy into one’s life. It is also a suitable decoration for a grave to ensure the deceased finds happiness in their next life.
  • Wreaths of oregano may be used to crown the heads of hand-fasting couples to ensure their happiness.

Culinary Use

  • Indispensable for Italian cuisine, oregano is a popular flavoring for tomato dishes, and other acidic vegetables. It’s also great on various meats. It is a natural partner to basil and tomatoes.
  • Add oregano near the end of cooking. If oregano is cooked too long, it turns bitter.
  • Mexican oregano Lippia spp is similar in flavor to oregano and popular in Central America and the southern US. It is used to flavor Chili con Carne. It blends well with chilies, paprika, garlic, onion and cumin for a distinctive Southwestern flavor of chili powder. Mexican oregano is more closely related to verbena than oregano.

Medical Use

  • A cup of oregano tea can be used to soothe stomach upset, colic and many digestive complaints, nervous complaints, and coughs. It also helps prevent seasickness.
  • It can also be used to help regulate the menstrual cycle. Drink some in the days leading up to when your period is due. As with all herbs used for menstrual issues, oregano should never be used by pregnant women.
  • Oregano contains natural antihistamines. For those with hives, or other allergy problems, try drinking a cup of tea made from equal parts oregano, tarragon, basil, chamomile, and fennel daily. If you have hay fever, leave out the chamomile. Drink this with a meal.
  • Oregano added to an herbal bath will relax sore muscles and help you unwind after a stressful day
  • A tea used as a mouthwash or rubbed into the gums is good for toothaches. Add to massage oils for muscle aches.
  • Oregano is a powerful antibiotic and antifungal; highly effective against Candida.

Household Use

The tops of the plants, cut while in bloom, yield a reddish-brown dye.
The leaves can be rubbed over wood as a sort of wood polish. It leaves a pleasant scent.

Sourced from https://witchipedia.com/book-of-shadows/herblore/oregano/

Aromatic Profile
Strong, spicy, herbaceous aroma

Features & Benefits

Topical & AromaticDietaryKey Constituents
Has a warm, herbaceous scent

Great for massage, especially on fatigued areas after activity

Helps purify the air when diffused
Supports a healthy lifestyle regimen

May be used to enhance the flavor of foods

Is cleansing for the digestive system

Has antioxidant properties

Provides immune support





As an herb, oregano shines in Italian and Mediterranean cuisine; but as an essential oil, it has a wealth of benefits and uses outside the kitchen. Oregano essential oil’s warm, herbaceous scent is excellent at purifying the air when diffused with oils such as Peppermint.


  • Diffuse Oregano at home to create a comforting environment.
  • Add Oregano to V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex and massage into fatigued muscles after activity.
  • Use it as part of the Raindrop Technique.
  • Diffuse it with Peppermint throughout your work space to help purify strong odors.

Listed in Hildegard’s Medicine, a compilation of early German medicines by highly regarded Benedictine herbalist Hildegard of Bingen (1097-1179).

Medical Properties: Antiaging, powerful antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immune stimulant, antinociceptive, radioprotective, liver protectant

Uses: Arthritis, rheumatism, respiratory infectious diseases, infections, tuberculosis, digestive problems

Fragrant Influence: Creates a feeling of security.

Caution: High in phenols, Oregano may irritate the nasal membranes or skin if inhaled directly from diffuser or bottle or applied neat.

Excerpted from The Essential Oils Desk Reference, Seventh Edition, pages 118-119

Oregano Vitality adds an earthy, warm flavor to savory dishes, along with the ability to provide immune support and cleansing for the digestive system.

With a distinctive, herbaceous flavor, it is an indispensable addition to Mediterranean and Mexican cuisines, though it can enhance the flavors in all your favorite recipes, from grilled chicken to roasted vegetables. While the potent flavor of Oregano Vitality makes it a delicious addition to dishes when used sparingly on its own, be sure to use a carrier oil such as V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex or olive oil to dilute this powerful oil when taking it as a supplement.


  • Add Oregano Vitality in small amounts to various dishes for extra flavoring, particularly in Mexican and Mediterranean dishes.
  • Put 1 drop of Oregano Vitality and 1 drop of V-6 oil in a veggie capsule and take it as a dietary supplement daily to help support a healthy immune system.*
  • Add a drop to a green smoothie to help cleanse the digestive system.*

Thank you for digging deeper into Oregano with me. I am very passionate about herbs, oils, and the education of their uses.

Please remember that essential oils are very concentrated products and should never be ingested unless specifically labeled for such use.

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Finally, the obligatory disclaimer.

I am not a doctor. None of the statements included in this post have been approved by the FDA or any other cool acronym known agency. It is Young Living’s official stance that they and these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any specific disease or illness. Young Living Independent Distributor #14632733

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